venerdì 2 novembre 2012

Morning sickness and afternoon delight

Great.. I'm. Sick. Should have seen this coming after all the walking during the day and the sweating at night. North Pole in the office and tropical oasis in my room.
Well, I got out of work earlier cause I was going to throw up on my desk.
Let me tell you, if you have nausea this is the worst place to be. On my way to the subway I smelled fried chicken, asian cuisine, kebab and also something vaguely spicy coming from a food truck that I didn't investigate. At that point my stomach was uncomfortably squeezing.
I crawled into my bed and watched Kill Bill.
Then I watched Kill Bill 2.
Then I decided I deserved a reward for being such a good kid.

Somebody please close Urban Outfitters. Standard &Poor is tracking my cash flow and will soon downgrade me to homeless wannabe.

Soup du jour for dinner.

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