venerdì 26 ottobre 2012

halloween, cakes and hurricanes

Newyorkers are very serious when it comes to Halloween. The whole city looks like a giant spiderweb and there are more pumpkins than people on the street. I swear I'm not gonna waste money on a costume.
I'll just put on excessive makeup and be like:
-you don't recognise me? I'm that character from that movie which you probably don't know because it's very independent and yes, I'm that kind of cool, intellectual girl.
Anyway people are already walking around in their costumes and for girls this basically means pulling out their inner prostitute.
Tonight I overheard a conversation:
-blablabla...the more I drink the less I'll care
-that's good, cause then the pain goes away
And I'm a hundred percent positive they were talking about those killer high heels they were wearing.
Girls are just girls.
But going back to serious matters, I've been to Magnolia Bakery already twice and I feel like I need to give my opinion about this place: totally overrated.
I mean, the cupcake was just fine and the banana cake was so heavy I couldn't even eat a half of it. And that was my dinner. And I had had just a salad for lunch.  I left aside all the chocolate cream...I think this is enough to give a clear picture of the situation.

Oh, quick note: we are waiting for hurricane Sandy to hit New York City this weekend and I'm supposed to "make sure that my emergency plans are up to date" and "be ready to go".

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